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Call of the Crown III February/March/final

FI-NAL-LY!! Here’s the entries that have been sitting unread in my mailbox for the past few months. It turns out that hosting a painting challenge after having quit my job (and thus lacking income), having a baby, and taking on volunteer work for my church does tend to cut into hobby time a bit. I…

Call of the Crown III – January

Sorry for the late update, real life has been keeping me busy. But better late than never! Show some love for these miniatures and their creators this Valentine’s Day! Andrew Bonner – Undead January’s undead horse men of doom lead into battle by a Wight. This unit comes in at 227 points. Bryan Collis –…

Call of the Crown III – December update

Well, this was way too long overdue! But better late than never. Here are some excellent entries for you to feast your eyes upon! Andrew Bonner – Undead Andrews December undead This unit was raised from the graves of necromancers old Lords Royal guard and still wear heavy armour and great weapons. The unit is…

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